The bride preparations

A unique moment in a life where our desires for magic, our wishes for a little girl to be a beauty queen, Disney princess or anything that made you dream as a child, mingle with the reality of a love story, a day that is fully dedicated to us. It’s almost more exciting than the wedding itself, feeling people busy, fluttering about us while the excitement born from the anticipation of the ceremony dyes this moment of a sweet frenzy. To be sure not to forget anything and not end up with an wild armpit while the other, sneering, reveals its silky skin … Here is a little top summary of the few steps to follow for this special day:

  • Before the preparations for the D-Day, it is advisable to give yourself to certain rituals which, according to the zeal of the bride, can be carried out up to 30 days in advance … If you wish to be at the top of your shape and to have a silhouette of Miss France, it would be good to get into some training (if it is not already the case) and to become familiar with a healthy diet. Not necessarily the most appetizing for my greedy friends but think that you will have all the time to please you at the wedding dinner …
  • Now that your body is ready, it’s time to choose the dress and hairstyle that will sublimate the best. I mention both at once because it is essential that they are granted! And obviously these two elements must be chosen with vigilance and taste to adapt to your morphology. For a more personal touch, you can for example decorate your hairstyle with some pearls (matching the earrings of course), a flower crown for country souls or colorful shoes for a hint of fun.
  • Three days before the wedding, it would be nice to go get all his little hair that may taint your look of sylph. Why this delay? Just because some skins can blush under the assault of wax or other means used to epilate you … Doing it a few days before the wedding can prevent this eventuality!
  • Little beauty trick: washing your hair the day before rather than the day will allow a better hold of your hairstyle. The sebum of your hair can act as a natural lacquer that will avoid the flat effect…
  • The D-day you will get ready, as the tradition, at your parents or at least far from the concupiscent look of your future husband… It is in this oasis of family tenderness that you can be pampered at your ease. Last fittings, hairstyle, make-up, advice, crazy laughs, panic … Intimacy. Love. Femininity.
  • Talking about makeup, if you’re not sure about the look, know that the trend in weddings right now is natural. Which is normal since it is your beauty of a woman who needs to be highlighted, not your beauty of pin-up … It must be the impression that it is your state of total ataraxia which tinge of a delicate pink your cheeks, shine your smile and spark your eyes!
  • During this wavering moment, you can ask your photographer to join you to immortalize your last moments as a young girl. As long as you are comfortable and have confidence in this, you do not need extra stress! If so, think about getting ready in a beautiful bright room, not in a bathroom littered with bathrobes and dirty linen …
  • Finally, think of the lucky combination of elements that, like the priest in front of the altar, will bless your union. An old object for the past life (no you will not die, it’s a SYMBOL!). A new one for your life as a married woman, mom and God knows what else is waiting for you. A blue because the purity of color refers to a pure, pure, faithful relationship. And finally, something borrowed from a loved one happy in her couple life to bring you luck!

Un, deux. Respirez, allez-y, c’est le plus beau jour de votre vie !

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